an object oriented interface to LDAP for Ruby - ActiveLdap

The ActiveLdap project


ActiveLdap provides an object oriented interface to LDAP. It maps LDAP entries to Ruby objects with LDAP attribute accessors based on your LDAP server's schema and each object's objectClasses.

ActiveLdap: The latest release

5.2.0 is the latest release. It had been released at 2018-05-09.

This version supports Rails 5.2.0.

ActiveLdap: Install


% sudo gem install activeldap


gem "activeldap"
require "active_ldap"

ActiveLdap: Document

ActiveLdap Fabrication

ActiveLdap Fabrication is an ActiveLdap adapter for Fabrication. It means that you can use Fabrication as fixture replacement for ActiveLdap.

ActiveLdap Fabrication: The latest release

1.0.1 is the latest release. It had been released at 2013-08-29.

ActiveLdap Fabrication: Document

See reference manual for details.